Thursday, April 5, 2012

As I have sat here and put together the video montage of my wife's Grandma she has went from being my wife's Grandma to my Grandma.  I wasn't there for any of my Grandparents passing's.  I have attended one funeral but that was it.  They have always been states away so I have had distant to cover the pain you feel when you lose someone.  They were a memory yesterday, today, and in the future.  However with Grandma Hailey it is different.  I remember her being part of my life for the last 12 years.  The talks, the laughing, the yelling at us if we got to loud :)  I remember how she helped us with a car when she was to old to drive and we needed another one for our young family.  I remember her holding each of my children either in the hospital or when they were new and had just come home.

Sometimes people thought I was nuts taking a picture of her sitting in the chair while everyone else was busy running around doing this or that.  The reason I took those pictures was to remember a old lady that was just enjoying the fruits of her labors.  Now I know she had her down times like all of us do and was ready to move along, but I could see that she enjoyed watching this next generation grow and get older.   My son just recently grew taller then his Great-Grandma and he was happy about it but she just hugged him and smiled. She was happy getting hugs and kisses from the great grand kids.  Or from the grand kids. 

Like her I am an only child and while the world doesn't get how we can be so reserved at times, trust me there is love and joy in our hearts for everyone around us we just may not express it like others...or so openly.  But if you question how much love someone has for the people around them...see if they smile around you, or with you.  Sometimes that is all you will get but it says loads about how they feel about you. 

I smile every day when I see and think of special people in my life, both past and present. 

RIP Grandma, I will take care of Alicia for you, and one day in the far far future we will all sit together in Heaven and talk again.

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